Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pocketcultures features SINAKI :)

8th May 2012 was a big day for me.
Pocketcultures features my interview about my  initiative 'SINAKI-THE FAMILIARITY PROJECT' in their ‘Blogs of the World‘ section.
*Another step towards familiarising  Assam :)
Check out their feature Familiarizing the World with Assam.

Design wins me a La Sardina :) *LOMO LOVE

Lomography India  hosted a design competition 'Inspire By Design' in association with 3 blogs Humpedmag, Little Black Book, Delhi and Constellation Cafe.
It is every photographer's dream to win own a lomo once in a lifetime. Lomography India made it possible for me. I am so happy to win a brand new Lomography La Sardina :) for my artwork 'Lacey stacey'.

Here is the winner announcement :)